Monthly Archives: August 2011

NOW I Know..

We have now found “long-lost” Uncle Omar.. Yet another of the “Kenyan Konnection” has turned up here in America. First we found “Auntie Zeituni” who has been sponging off the government for decades. She was ordered to be deported but she “won the right” to continue to sponge off of the taxpayers here in America. Now we have found “Uncle Omar”..

“Long-lost” in the Obama family means “living in America ILLEGALLY”. Uncle Omar was arrested for drunk driving outside of Boston proving that even though he is a Kenyan, he may actually be a “long-lost” brother to Dead Ted Kennedy.. No matter, the same liberal lawyer who managed to give “Auntie” the RIGHT to continue to sponge here in America will be doing so for “Uncle” too.. Makes you proud to be an American, doesn’t it?

According to the “Australian dot com”, this “ends a mystery” but “the circumstances of his discovery may now prove to be an embarrassment for the White House..” Considering the fact that the current “occupant” of the “White House” is HIMSELF an “embarrassment”, like uncle, like nephew..

Uncle was nabbed in front of the “Chicken Bone Saloon” (I kid you not..) eventually testing well above the legal blood alcohol limit. Here we have ANOTHER Obama who is supposed to be deported to Kenya, any wagers on whether this one makes it back home?

Grab your scorecard: “Uncle Omar and Aunt Zeituni are the children of Obama’s grandfather Hussein Onyango Obama, by his third wife Sarah, the woman Barack calls “Granny”, because she raised his father, Barack Sr., who was Hussein Obama’s son by Hussein’s second wife, Akumu..” The truth is stranger than fiction..

Uncle Omar, in the true tradition of his idiot nephew, BLAMED someone else, in this case the officers themselves, for being cited for being a drunk.

NOW I know why OWEbama is so fond of the ILLEGALS, they represent at least half of his extended family..

Collectivist Curriculum


If truth in advertising were required to be applied within the liberal college environment, at least one “change” would need to be implemented immediately..


Any “science” class, taught by harebrained Bolsheviks with too much hair in their ears and in their noses as well, those that rely upon the histrionics of “globaloney warming” or ANY of the other progressive puerile postulations, would have to be renamed.


These “science” classes would have to be renamed POLITICAL SCIENCE because their teachings/indoctrination have NOTHING to do with genuine “science”, they have EVERYTHING to do with liberal politics..


“Globaloney warming” placed within the world of mathematics for example, would lead to the “teaching” of “2+2=247.. Make that total 35, no make that total 286,549..” “Science” has nothing to do with what is nothing more than “agit-propaganda” when your “results” change by the minute..


One has to expect this type of “science” from a group that routinely discusses the imbecility of “jobs saved or created”..


The “science” of globaloney warming isn’t founded in fact, it is based upon the prevailing winds coming from Washington and these “winds” are polluted with the progressive pabulum.. This “science” is based upon collectivist conjecture of the most transparent and childish sorts and more revealingly, it is based upon liberals making a personal profit through imaginary “hysteria”..

Its About Time


Speaking of polls, the Gallup organization has some very good news. Polling data relative to the job approval of OWEbama has hit an all-time low. I have a few explanations for this anomaly..


One: Racism.. What the heck, soon enough ALL of the leftist lunatics will be saying it so we might as well get used to it.. If these lemmings made the “Tea Party Downgrade” stick, this one will too.. The more dire it becomes for OWEbama, the more we will hear this buncombe..


Two: People are just jealous of OWEbama’s abilities as a golfer. We ALL wish that we had the time to enjoy the witless gyrations while completely turning our backs upon our responsibilities while still be paid..


Three: The public may be awakening to what the right has been saying all along.. To the apathetic American public, its someone else’s problem until THEY lose their job.. Millions of jobs later, the penny drops..


Its about time..

Say No More..


It would seem that Gaddafi or Qaddafi or plain old Daffy, whatever his name is, “reached out” to of all people, Dennis Kucinich..


Daffy wanted Kucinich, one who has seen moon men with antennae and actually admitted to seeing “unidentified flying objects” during a presidential debate, (October 2007) to “visit” Libya on a “peace mission”. Daffy wanted “to influence US and world opinion as it approached key international opinion formers..” (guardian co uk) Kucinich: “opinion former”.. That sounds better than Kucinich: liberal nut bag..


Daffy II, or Kucinich for those not fond of brevity, didn’t go because his “safety couldn’t be guaranteed..” Meanwhile, Pantsuit Patty, the one who is supposed to be our Secretary of State, has turned into Sue Storm Richards, or for those not familiar with the Fantastic Four, the Invisible Woman.. Another megalomaniacal liberal goes outside of the lines to try to broker a “peace” in a “war” that doesn’t exist, or so OWEbama would say if he weren’t on another vacation..


After he “discussed it directly with the (Libyan) Prime Minister..”, Daffy II didn’t go. Instead he “visited Syria”!! I guess the Syrians quickly constructed a progressive Potemkin Village for the Ohio lunatic.. We have heard no rumblings from Daffy II about the “atrocities” taking place in Syria, I guess Kucinich “visited” in the hopes of having a “close encounter of the third kind”..


Kucinich “brokering” peace in a war that doesn’t exist, then he “visits” Syria where atrocities were taking place under his nose that he now has no comment about and the REAL State Department sits about playing totalitarian tiddly-winks.. This HAS to be the work of the Democrats..


Say no more..



Warren Buffett gets a phone call from his progressive poster boy. Soon thereafter he buys boatloads of Bank of America stock.


Buffett makes a cool $280,000,000.00 profit in less than a day. To say thanks for OWEbama’s insider trading tip, Buffett is hosting a fundraiser in New York on September 30th..


You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours..


The Omaha Oracle? Try Obama’s Oracle..



In the long run, which will end up doing more damage to Washington, the recent earthquake, the possibility of a strike by Hurricane Irene or OWEbama?


Which of these three “disasters” will end up costing the American taxpayer more?


Which of these was perfectly PREVENTABLE?


Lesson learned??

So Morose


Why are so many liberals so fond of socialism? There are a number of answers, let’s look at just a few..


Those who worship at the alter of socialism have in the largest majority, failed miserably at capitalism.. Some have given capitalism a half hearted try but most have simply absorbed the Pavlovian “failure” mantras given by the liberals and never left their couches.. Therefore they childishly cling to that which was intentionally designed to bring down those who are superior to them.. Those who have “succeeded” outwardly within capitalism but who still espouse the socialist sophistry seem to be living on inherited money or some bucolic university is feeding them..


The “limousine liberals” screech about “class warfare” and the “proletarian”, but they know that there are distinct classes within socialism. The upper, or ruling class, is very limited in size. These monied liberals want nothing more than to lord over people, to tell others what to do as they do differently.. They acquire large sums of sequestered money while demanding that others beneath them “sacrifice”.. (Sound familiar?)


To succeed at “capitalism” requires dedication, creativity and hard work. One of the good things about capitalism is that within capitalism, everyone’s definition of “succeed” is different. NO ONE succeeds within the stifling environment of socialism, thereby proving unequivocally that misery doesn’t love company, it DEMANDS it..


To “succeed” within the socialist cesspool, all one needs is the stamina to stand in line.. Then again, one never truly “succeeds” within socialism, one merely survives it..


No wonder the liberals are so morose..



We see this harmless looking sentiment pasted to the rear of the average liberal’s Prius or their 1979 Toyota..


This isn’t a suggestion, it is a demand. The liberals don’t ASK for anything, they make demands, not unlike unruly five-year-olds. They can do so because they talk down to you from the position of moral superiority. Their sneers are overloaded with smug sanctimony. Their every word drips with disdain and deviousness..


What if I don’t want to “coexist”? What happened to “choice” within the liberal lexicon? What if I don’t want to “coexist” with the Mooselims for example?


What about the fact that the Mooselims don’t want to “coexist” with anyone that doesn’t believe as they do? (Making them perfect bedfellows for the liberals..) Why haven’t the liberals made these haughty demands of the Mooselims?

When they do, I will adhere to the liberal’s “demands”..

We USED To..


We USED to screen immigrants who wanted entry to this country allowing only a certain number of the uneducated, the virtually unemployable. Now that’s ALL that the liberals want here. Vagabonds (not to mention the liberal’s ‘freeing’ of the psychotics from the asylums..) roaming America’s streets are more than just an inconvenience to us, they are considered “job security” for the liberals.. As the liberals have had their way, our ability to “screen” immigrants has been deemed “hateful” by the left or we simply CAN’T screen immigrants because the overwhelming majority of them are here ILLEGALLY..


We USED to want our immigrants to have marketable skills so that they could make a POSITIVE impact, not become a burden to society, while also allowing in a number of those whom weren’t educated or skilled. Then again, we USED to have a public school system that could take these uneducated immigrants and turn them into productive citizens..


By the same token, we USED to make home loans based on one’s ability to repay the loan, not based upon the fascist folly of “fairness”..


In the liberal’s NOT SO Brave New World, those who are “responsible” and have paid their bills now have the burden of paying the bills for the irresponsible because it is “compassionate” or “the ‘rich’ need to pay their fair share.” I’ll bet that you never knew that you were “rich”, did you?


We USED to have to “tolerate” the closeted liberals and their “I can do as I wish within the privacy of my home”, now we have to “tolerate” the perversions of the left in broad daylight and right down the middle of Main Street.. “Inclusion”.. “Coexist”..


No one USED to have a hyphen in their name. There were no Mary Smith-Johnsons and especially, there weren’t any African-Americans or the like. We USED to have a “melting pot” where people became AMERICANS, now we have a “salad bowl” and America has now become nothing more than a benevolent ATM machine, payable to whomever, always at the demand of the liberal left..


Do the Earth a favor: plant a liberal..

Pay Attention


It is of the utmost importance to remember that we must try to watch the comings and goings of every liberal. EVERY liberal.


I know that this is a tall order but when you understand that distraction and deflection are two of the primary liberal weapons, it helps you to focus. They all have roles and these roles change with the moment.


For example, OWEbama is now on another “well earned” (has a liberal EVER “earned” anything other then our complete disdain?) vacation. As taxpayers, our ire is directed at the fact that, as the liberals have said in times MUCH, MUCH better than the ones the liberals are forcing us to suffer through now, this seems “extravagant” “during tough times..”


As some focus in upon the details, the separate plane rides, etc., minions of the left were out working on making millions of ILLEGAL aliens Democratic voters for 2012..


This is just ONE example. ANY time that the “impartial” media, the fifth columnists of the fourth estate, start crowing about another OWEbama golf adventure or his wife’s hypocritical “healthy foods initiative”, another less important liberal or two is behind the scenes working the totalitarian template. The left REALLY goes to town when some “controversy” erupts over at some imbecilic “reality show” or when a child in some tiny town gets stuck in a drain pipe or when a whale beaches himself somewhere.. (At this point, please insert your favorite Michael Moore joke..)


For the most part, the “game plan” is more important to the liberals than their individual placement within the leftist food chain. With the obvious exception of OWEbama, they are “team players” when it comes to implementing socialism. As individuals they are, by and large interchangeable. The fascist “foot soldier” that takes a hit today will be remembered and rewarded tomorrow when socialism is fully installed. They ALL win when they manage to infect America with another element of their carcinogenic collectivism as each step moves them closer to victory..


Those who don’t pay attention to the liberals will pay dearly in the end. Actually, when we don’t pay attention, EVERYONE pays dearly..