Daily Archives: August 28, 2011

Say No More..


It would seem that Gaddafi or Qaddafi or plain old Daffy, whatever his name is, “reached out” to of all people, Dennis Kucinich..


Daffy wanted Kucinich, one who has seen moon men with antennae and actually admitted to seeing “unidentified flying objects” during a presidential debate, (October 2007) to “visit” Libya on a “peace mission”. Daffy wanted “to influence US and world opinion as it approached key international opinion formers..” (guardian co uk) Kucinich: “opinion former”.. That sounds better than Kucinich: liberal nut bag..


Daffy II, or Kucinich for those not fond of brevity, didn’t go because his “safety couldn’t be guaranteed..” Meanwhile, Pantsuit Patty, the one who is supposed to be our Secretary of State, has turned into Sue Storm Richards, or for those not familiar with the Fantastic Four, the Invisible Woman.. Another megalomaniacal liberal goes outside of the lines to try to broker a “peace” in a “war” that doesn’t exist, or so OWEbama would say if he weren’t on another vacation..


After he “discussed it directly with the (Libyan) Prime Minister..”, Daffy II didn’t go. Instead he “visited Syria”!! I guess the Syrians quickly constructed a progressive Potemkin Village for the Ohio lunatic.. We have heard no rumblings from Daffy II about the “atrocities” taking place in Syria, I guess Kucinich “visited” in the hopes of having a “close encounter of the third kind”..


Kucinich “brokering” peace in a war that doesn’t exist, then he “visits” Syria where atrocities were taking place under his nose that he now has no comment about and the REAL State Department sits about playing totalitarian tiddly-winks.. This HAS to be the work of the Democrats..


Say no more..