Monthly Archives: August 2011

The Rate Of Speed


It is somewhat safe to say that the OWEbama administration has been known for its “quick” responses to what it believes, rightly or more often than not wrongly, have been “crises” effecting the nation.


We are now suffering under the withering effects of the “Scamulous”, the bank bailouts, the takeovers of formerly capitalist enterprises and most importantly, the “Health Scare Scam”.. If, according to OWEbama, they haven’t been “dealt with” rapidly enough, the hue and cry from both he and his Marxist minions has been to “hurry up”.. The theory utilized by the left appears to be, “it’s not important that we do it right, let’s just do it..”


OWEbama has focused on the “need for speed”.. With the happy go lucky/spend it now, print it later liberals in charge, this proven to be an unmitigated disaster. The theory of being “fast and furious” hasn’t played out well.. The ATF’s (What did Holder know and when did he know it?) “Operation Fast and Furious”, the idea of allowing 2,500 guns to be funneled into the hands of Mexican criminals and its hideous failure, seems a very apt metaphor for the entire OWEbama experiment..


Now OWEbama is off on yet another vacation and there he will be mulling over ANOTHER “jobs creation” measure. He will get back to the nation that has suffered through his permanent ten percent unemployment rate once his swim fins and socialist snorkeling gear dries out..


The genuine unemployment “crisis”, a “crisis” of HIS making no less, and now he seems to want to take his time about responding it. This “take your time” theory can be best exposed along side OWEbama’s five month “delayed reaction” to the genuine “crisis” in Syria while his trumped up, Congressionally UNapproved “crisis” and “hurry up shadow war” in Libya churns on.. (Without protest from the peaceniks of the left as well..)


Based upon OWEbama’s “historic” record of “accomplishment”, is it the “rate of speed” that has been his downfall or has it been his complete ineptitude and indifference? When dealing with “crises”, has his reliance upon historically failed socialism caused his endless failures or has it been the “timeframe” of his response?


Seems silly of me to ask, doesn’t it?

Sad Or Happy


As things continue to unfold, you have to ask who is the saddest person around and who is the happiest?


The saddest has to be OWEbama. A truly “historic” record of devastating debt, dystrophic deficits, permanent progressive ten percent unemployment, and the “historic” first-ever dropping of the nation’s credit rating.. A “stimulus” that didn’t stimulate, another “stimulus” that didn’t stimulate, bailouts and takeovers by the bushel basket full and a “jobs program” that created three jobs.. OWEbama has the humorous task of blaming this two year record of unprecedented fascist failure on the Republican House which became “Republican” only a few months ago..


The happiest person around? Dhimmi Carter.. See above for the proof. Carter now looks to be a progressive piker compared to what OWEbama has managed to “accomplish” and he has done so in record time..


I sure hope that Carter is sending OWEbama the appropriate thank you cards..

Collectivist Consistency


Shall we take a moment to discuss the OWEbama “bus tour”?


It’s not the idea of Obama taking a “bus tour” of the country. It’s not necessarily the idea that these busses were built in Canada even though there were a number of UNION shops available in the Unites States that could have done the work.


I just have to ask, “where is the outrage”? Where is that patented liberal vein-popping screech that has ALWAYS been applied to the loyal opposition?


This is the SAME left who derided George Bush for his inaugurations, calling them out for such extravagance during “rough times”. (USA Today) MSNBC’s Tamron Hall alleged that Bush’s 2005 ceremony “cost roughly 40 million”. Again, (Who sees a pattern of “fairness” here?) MSNBC scolded Bush in 2008 saying, “Is this any time to party through hard times?”


What did MSNBC have to say about the Obama Coronation? “The Super Bowl? Forget it. The Oscars? Who cares. The biggest star-studded event on the horizon is Obama’s inauguration..” As well a paragraph within this drooling was entitled, “recession won’t slow down celebration..” (12/03/2008) MSNBC did shine a very dim light of truth onto the liberal left saying, “Democrats who called on Bush to be frugal four years ago are issuing no such demands now that an inaugural weekend of rock concerts and star-studded parties has begun..” (01/17/2009) MSNBC got over this stab of conscience very quickly as this “historic” moment took precedence over the “reality” of the times.. (By the way, the Obama “historic” freak show cost well over four times more than Bush’s last ceremony and he even left the city of Chicago holding the bag for millions..)


These same liberals are now giving Obama a pass when it comes to all of the ridiculously lavish un-necessities that he consistently indulges in during “difficult times”, “difficult times” of HIS making.. Constant vacations, world-wide shopping trips for his wife, not to mention that Obama has played more golf than almost every player on the PGA circuit.. Where was the bawling over his fiftieth birthday bash?


Why aren’t these unions calling on Obama to “buy American” like they forever do to the rest of us? Unions spend more time in front of WalMart harassing customers who want to spend the small amount of what Obama hasn’t sequestered as opposed to taking on “the Man”, the “Man” by the way that you overwhelmingly supported with your dues and your votes..


The left displayed this same pattern of illogic when the “Arkansas fondler” was sullying the White House. The left, the champion of women “everywhere”, overlooked EVERY legitimate complaint made by Clinton victims, even chiming in and lining up to abuse the accusers. Every time that Clinton unzipped and pulled out his socialist saxophone, the minions of the left all looked the other way.. These same liberals ignore the violence directed at their “sisters” who happen to wear the attractive tablecloths of the Mooselim tradition.. The feminist lowlight during this perverted time was Nina Burleigh’s “reward” to Clinton for “keeping abortion legal”..


Somehow expecting consistency from the collectivists is an exercise in futility that would make even Sisyphus walk away from his rock in disgust..

Under The Radar


The liberals have sent out many of their unknown minions on missions of destruction while it seems that only a few of the “more popular” or verbal ones attract any “impartial” media “attention”. These “unknown” lemmings also have separate elements of the liberal plan to fulfill and also the virus of the progressive pet projects are simultaneously being unleashed.. Lets take a peek under the radar at some that don’t get much attention..


Evergreen Solar. Another of the liberal “ecology” “green” nonsense nostrums, this was a pet project of not only the state of Massachusetts but of the Brown Clown. Evergreen received “millions in state subsidies” (boston herald dot com) but it also gladly received $58,000,000.00 from the OWEbama “Scamulous”. How perfect, a “green” company firmly in the corner of the idiot “solar simpletons” and a stellar representative of the “green jobs” that OWEbama and his collectivist crew nauseatingly bellyache about..


Evergreen just went bankrupt taking all of those tax dollars with them.. Mark down a few more “jobs NOT saved or created” for the liberal lunatics.. When your “ideas” are as “bankrupt” as your so called “science”, your so called “businesses” are never that far behind.. WE lose again..


Lets move to Tom Vilsack, the “Agriculture” Secretary. Tom says, “the reason so many people are on food stamps is the administration has done a better job helping states get ‘the word out’”.. What “word” would that be? The one “word” in Vilsack’s statement that actually applies is “job”. OWEbama has done a “good job” destroying so many “jobs” and he has certainly “gotten the word out” about them..


Vilsack said that certain states have “underperformed” when it comes to “connecting eligible Americans” to the food stamp heresy. Maybe if OWEbama hadn’t “underperformed” when it came to actually CREATING jobs, one in seven Americans wouldn’t need the liberal government’s “help”.. Besides, with all of the ILLEGAL “Americans” on the liberal dole, they had better be “getting the word out” in Spanish..


The food stamps “program has been expanding for thirty consecutive months”. (Fox News) That of course, happens to just coincidentally cover EVERY month of the OWEbama administration.


Ever the chipper collectivist, Vilsack decided to look on the bright side of the Democratic dark clouds.. “Food stamps at least have a stimulative effect, by pumping money into the economy. It’s the most direct stimulus you can get into the economy during tough times..” Maybe if one of the liberal “Stimuli” would have had an actual POSITIVE “stimulative” effect, the “stimulative” effect of more handouts wouldn’t be necessary..


Vilsack isn’t alone in forwarding this bizarre economic stimulus (but not as bizarre as both of the OWEbama Stimulus plans..) The Marxist Medusa Pelosi said that “food stamps will stimulate the economy more than tax cuts..” (CNS News) As well, wrinkled relic said before a San Francisco crowd (where else?) that “food stamps give the biggest bang for our buck.” (Fox News) Who is this “our” that Pelosi speaks of? The liberals don’t pay taxes, so she should have said “your bucks”..


I’ve therefore come up with an easy socialist analogy. Saying that food stamps “stimulate” the economy is the same as saying that AIDS is a great weight loss program..



I find that I have no choice but to place quotation marks around the word “impartial” EVERY time that I place the word right before the word “media” in a sentence..


Of course, it is being done sarcastically.. Were the quotation marks not there, the proximity of the word “media” to the word “impartial” would drain “impartial” of all of its meaning. The quotation marks serve as a buffer, a sort of Kevlar vest if you will, to protect the integrity of the word whenever it is used elsewhere..


It’s also a reminder that, on more occasions than I would like to consider, whatever is within the quotation marks is actually the polar opposite of what the words are intended to convey.. “The religion of peace”, “liberal patriot”.. You get the picture.. Hyphens more often than not fall into this category as well. For example, African-American. Pick one. I am not English-American, I am an American..


Just call it “progressive punctuation”..



We are getting very near the time when the liberals will all be croaking about “vision”. Its not really “vision” that they will be concerned with alone, it is the DIRECTION of your vision.. They want you to “look to the future”..


The liberals always speak of their “vision” as looking ahead.. “We can do great things..” In looking “ahead”, the liberals can then concoct fabulous fairy tales, paint progressive portraits and weave intricate and mesmerizing totalitarian tapestries..


They never want you to use your vision to look BACKWARDS at what the liberals have ACTUALLY DONE, they want to hypnotize you and to spin you so that you will look forward with them..


Direction and clarity of “vision” are of primary importance when dealing with the devious Democrats..



Why are the liberals so obviously unconcerned with the results of their intrusive sanctimonious sophistry?


The liberals do what they do because it makes THEM feel good. The “feelings” of the liberal’s victims, those that the liberals infect with their caustic collectivism, are irrelevant.


As long as the limousine liberals sleep comfortably every night, the effects of the progressive poisons that they disseminate are the problems of someone else, someone else who is obviously not as intellectually, morally and spiritually in tune as the liberals are..

Roller Coaster Ride


The last few weeks on Wall Street have been described by more than a few of the business pundits as a “roller coaster ride”. You will notice two things immediately..


One, this “roller coaster ride” has taken place because of the OWEbama/liberal “Target America First” program and its most recent effectiveness. Two, OWEbama hardly ever talks about this “roller coaster ride” that he has in essence printed everyone’s tickets for.. Why the silence?


The OWEbama liberal “base” doesn’t “invest” in things like the stock market. The OWEbama base “invests” in things like tattoos, gold teeth, whiskey and lottery tickets. This “investing” is done overwhelmingly by the nation’s middle class, thus explaining OWEbama’s complete unconcern with it..


Remember, OWEbama “fights for the little guy”..

Liberal Creationism


A number of the liberals who have set out to destroy Christianity have done so under the guise of being “atheists”. These are the vermin who recoil in horror at the sight of a Bible but a Koran is the holy book of the “religion of peace” and should be respected. The thought of a nativity scene makes them soil themselves… (Albeit, just slightly more than usual..) A cross is like a clove of garlic to them..


Others within the “Destroy Christianity” cult still haven’t removed all of the vestiges of the thought of a higher being, even with their obviously superior intellectual abilities always at the ready.. In order to find acceptance for these various deviants within the liberal subculture, the left had to more or less, “create” their own “churches”. “Churches” that completely ignore the teachings of the “rule book” but they still somehow call themselves “churches”.. They are all exercises in “liberal creationism”, not unlike Kwanzaa, Globalony Warming, the Impending Ice Age, the Population Explosion etc, etc..


No one at any of these odd ball side shows, these carnivals of collectivists, minds if “life partners” hold hands or worse.. Here ALL of the activities otherwise known as heresies are universally accepted out of “tolerance”.. Here the “higher being” could be anything from a porcupine to a shrub or a bush to a chest of drawers.. All of the blasphemers, no matter how demented, are welcomed..


The left learned long ago that their best weapon when it came to the structured liberal destruction of everything American, was to be very slow and disciplined, not to drive the bulldozer through the wall but to just remove small pieces of mortar until the wall collapses under its own weight..


In targeting religion, specifically Christianity, one of the first demands/ rallying cries of the left that was designed to break the will of the nation’s moral was “whatever we do in the privacy of our homes is our business..” After that concession, the left and its demented denizens then opened the door of the “closet” and decided that it was time to then parade down the middle of the street, effectively saying, “good luck explaining us to your kids!”.. Once this type of immorality was condoned, “disagreement” next became labeled a CRIME!


Through “transvaluation”, (Old sins become virtues, old virtues become sins) the moral were portrayed as the perverts for disagreeing with the “main-streaming” of perversion and immorality.. As each domino tumbles, the left says, ‘you gave us this yesterday, it’s only fitting that you give us this today’.. “Tolerance” has a price and that price has proven to be unreasonable..


So the atheist liberals believe that THEY are god and these other odd ball liberals believe that ANYTHING is god.. The liberals have proven that they do believe in creationism, as long as it is their own..

Proper Clarification


I have often said that according to the liberals, the first amendment does not apply to those that disagree with the disagreeable Democrats..


This needs proper clarification.


The liberals will not allow you to use the first amendment in the way that they do.. (As a civilized human, you wouldn’t want to anyway..)


You can’t hold marches that aren’t, according to the liberals, motivated by some obscure and irrelevant “-ism”. You can’t stage protests that don’t immediately paint you as an “-ist” of some kind. You can’t raise your voice with cries of righteous indignation. These rights, along with property damage, property destruction and physical assaults are all the exclusive domain of the liberal Democrats and because they are the patented property of the left and due to their occupation of the “moral high ground”, only they are allowed to participate without repercussions..