

We see this harmless looking sentiment pasted to the rear of the average liberal’s Prius or their 1979 Toyota..


This isn’t a suggestion, it is a demand. The liberals don’t ASK for anything, they make demands, not unlike unruly five-year-olds. They can do so because they talk down to you from the position of moral superiority. Their sneers are overloaded with smug sanctimony. Their every word drips with disdain and deviousness..


What if I don’t want to “coexist”? What happened to “choice” within the liberal lexicon? What if I don’t want to “coexist” with the Mooselims for example?


What about the fact that the Mooselims don’t want to “coexist” with anyone that doesn’t believe as they do? (Making them perfect bedfellows for the liberals..) Why haven’t the liberals made these haughty demands of the Mooselims?

When they do, I will adhere to the liberal’s “demands”..

14 responses to “Coexist

  1. Family,

    The latest from NLTZ:

    Conventional Wisdom


  2. Well, Larry. You are a better man than me. I’d still tell the liberals to take a long walk off a short pier. It will take years and years and possibly generations upon generations before full trust even gets near the liberals and then I’m not too sure it will ever happen. I think we are all just too skeptical of any politician, and rightly so! We learned a very strong lesson when we bought out house – – fences make nice neighbors.

  3. Based on their positions regarding abortion and illegal aliens, liberals cannot be morally superior. And, looking at their dismal record, they aren’t qualified to make any kind of demand.

    Regarding the fence – does it mean you are an isolationist ? 🙂

  4. By no means. It’s called respect and boundaries and knowing the differences in individual rights and freedom. Your rights end where mine begin and vice versa unless you are a liberal who thinks the only ones with rights and freedoms are liberals.

  5. The liberal’s demands can be defined as double tounged techniques, lip linguistics, all in all, speaking from both sides of their mouth.

    No matter which side of his mouth the “Rhetorical Rhemus” was speaking from he has proven that our enemies could care less about his liberal love letters. While staunch supporters here don’t hear a single word over their deafing sucking sounds on the government teat.

  6. The latest TOTD:

    So Morose

    Thanks as always,


  7. I have to go back to the statement by Lady wolf, “That a liberal is some one educated above their intelligence level”. My take on that is they are educated by professors that acquired their advanced decrees from an institution that doesn’t give failing grades in fear of hurting some clods feelings. I do not push easily, but I kick like hell, so they interact with me as little as possible.

  8. Graywolf,

    I would say that all fully educating all, no matter the level of intelligence, but our education system has become politically correct. The sum total of our education system of the liberal’s federal bureaurcratic standards are, by comparison, subpar to institutes of learning where failing is allowed.

  9. One of these days I’m going to remember to proof-read my posts. That should have been;
    “I would say that in all NOT fully educating all,”

  10. It is a not so funny thing that the liberals scream accusations at one or groups being “islamphobic” or uttering “hate speech” while, at the same time, holding hands with Islamic Supremists and their allies who are waging a full war to blow our asses to kingdom come in order to make more room for their ratty kneeling rugs.

  11. OWEbama and the libs will lie when it is expedient, because they know that the Gopwimps will do NOTHING to counteract said lies. And, because the fraud in the WH feels confident that he will win re-election.

    Consider this scenario :
    1 They want the vote of the illegals, and have started the process of detaining them by slowing down the deportations.
    2 Approx. 2 months before the election, OWEbama will issue an executiive order giving amnesty and full voting rights to all illegals, thus getting approx. 20 million votes. And, there won’t be enough time for either Congress or the courts to recall it.
    3 Voter fraud will be more rampant than in 2008. ACORN, ( or whatever names they are using ) will be more effective than previously.

    4 Chaos will ensue, and OWEbama will claim to be the only ” stable and unifying force available”


  12. WordPress did it again and cut my post. I’ll continue

    5 Then OWEbama will try to become ‘President for Life’ , just like his buddies Hugo and Fidel.
    6 He will continue to issue ‘executive orders’ in an attempt to stay in power.

    Sound far fetched ? Well, just look at what has happened in less than 3 years. Failing economy, high unemployment, massive, wasteful spending,the Fed trampling on State’s rights, disregard of the Constitution, Obamacare. And the list goes on.

    No, I do not want it to happen, but there are too many disturbing things taking place right now. And the uneducated masses are also part of the problem.

  13. JJ,

    Aren’t illegals illegally voting or just double casting?

    I don’t mean to burst your nightmarish bubble but OWEbama can’t possibly issue an Executive Order declaring mass amnesty by himself. That particular act would have to come as a law legislated, passed by majority vote and moved through the Congress (Balance of Powers) then signed into law by the president who ever it may be.

    This latest cute little act of The Brown Clown’s with the full help of “Little Emperor” Napalitino behind the backs of out-of-session Congress is uneqiuvacally un-constitutional and will be found so in a court of law. It may take some time but it can be reversed as proven by decisions already reached in higher courts going against Obamacare’s contitutionality.

  14. Joe,

    The fraud in the WH has by-passed both Congress, and the Constitution – and he probably believes that he can continue in his “back door ” method in order to achieve his socialist goals.

    If Mickey Mouse can vote , why can’t the illegals ?? Plus we are going to have ballots in multiple languages ( maybe even in ‘rodent ‘ ), in order to be ‘inclusive’. The libs believe that it is important that everyone and everything votes as often as possible.

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