Daily Archives: August 29, 2011

Its About Time


Speaking of polls, the Gallup organization has some very good news. Polling data relative to the job approval of OWEbama has hit an all-time low. I have a few explanations for this anomaly..


One: Racism.. What the heck, soon enough ALL of the leftist lunatics will be saying it so we might as well get used to it.. If these lemmings made the “Tea Party Downgrade” stick, this one will too.. The more dire it becomes for OWEbama, the more we will hear this buncombe..


Two: People are just jealous of OWEbama’s abilities as a golfer. We ALL wish that we had the time to enjoy the witless gyrations while completely turning our backs upon our responsibilities while still be paid..


Three: The public may be awakening to what the right has been saying all along.. To the apathetic American public, its someone else’s problem until THEY lose their job.. Millions of jobs later, the penny drops..


Its about time..