

Actually writing out in longhand the amount of money that has been spent by Obama and the left, the amount of money that has for the first time ever caused America’s debt rating to be dropped below triple A status, leaves one with a lot of zeroes to look at..


The only place where you would find more zeroes to look at would be at a Democratic convention..

5 responses to “Zeroes

  1. Soooo true and pithy too.

  2. Plus they want to spend more AND raise taxes….so now we know why their plan won’t work…..eventually the money runs our!!! Why the Krugmanns and like people don’t get that is way beyond me!!!

  3. whoops change our to out lol sorry didn’t proofread!

  4. Amen all the way. Now every time I write zero I’ll have a big grin on my face! Jackpot!

  5. Family,

    I implore you: please pass this link on to every conservative that you know.

    A Logical Target

    Thanks as always,


    Apathy is spreading at this crucial time, we cannot allow this to continue.

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